DCIG 第9阶 城市密集
真正的创新者, 创意的内在因
课程日期: 2023年 8月 4, 5, 6, 12 & 13
超级早鸟价 2023年7月9日, 23:59前
特价 SGD1,500 RM4,800 ·
原价 SGD1,690 RM5,410
上过版权课复训 SGD765 RM2,450
上过格西课复训 SGD420 RM1,350
DCIG Level 9 City Intensive
Innovator-The Inner Causes of Creativity
Course Dates: 4, 5, 6, 12 & 13, August 2023
Early bird price July 9, 2023, before 23:59
Special price SGD1,500 RM4,800 ·
Original price SGD1,690 RM5,410
Attended copyrighted class retraining SGD765 RM2,450
Attended Geshe’s class retraining SGD420 RM1,350
Special benefits: 1-on-1 30-minute special online meeting with the teacher